Board Meeting — 9/11/23

Call to Order: President Dolly Robinson called the Board Meeting to order at 5:37 PM.

Members in attendance included the following: Dolly Robinson, Joe Hinkle, Tara Bell, and Linda Williams.

Approval of Minutes: J. Hinkle made a motion to approve the Minutes of the June 12, 2023 Board Meeting; seconded by T. Bell, and the motion carried unanimously.

Special Guest George English of USTA-Florida provided LCCCTA with a large colorful USTA Florida banner to display on the tennis court fence at Young’s Park in a prominent location, facing the road. Mr. English said Mike Null previously requested a rolling ball cart and two cases of tennis balls from USTA Florida for the benefit of the local Veteran’s Tennis Program, under the leadership of LCCCTA Board Member and Tennis Professional, Mark Mansbach.

G. English reported the grant cycle is now open. USTA Florida Foundation is accepting applications through October 31st. He encourages LCCCTA to complete the order form for any tennis equipment the CTA needs, and to list all the social and youth programs LCCCTA offers. In the past Mike Null has completed the applications for equipment.

G. English announced USTA Florida is trying to offer their Net Generation Program, (SHAPE curriculum, along with USTA lesson plans and equipment) to PE teachers at elementary schools.

LCCCTA Board member, Tara Bell, has provided the one hour 7-week after school “community practice and play” to 2nd-5th graders at Belmont Academy in the past, and plans to continue.

Ms. Bell said she believes there may be another contact at a local private school who may be interested in adding the Net Generation Program to their PE curriculum.

Mr. George English reminded the Board a minimum of 12 participants will be required to offer the Net Generation Program.

G. English said that he was able to attend the 2023 US Open as a fan and he’s excited to let everyone know there were over one million fans attending the tennis event.

President D. Robinson suggested that LCCCTA’s youth tennis volunteer coaches watch tennis instructional videos so teaching techniques are consistent among the volunteers.

Mr. English said he believed he could set up a free USTA FL ‘on-court training’ at Young’s Park to accomplish what D. Robinson suggested. The training will involve using red, orange, and yellow tennis balls. A date and time prior to the October Fall Youth Camp is necessary; September 25th between 5:30-7:30 PM was determined to be best. Anyone can attend, and high school students can earn volunteer hours.

G. English will check with his training instructors in the north Florida area to see if this is possible, and will let D. Robinson and L. Williams know.

President D. Robinson reported that Noah Walker, Publisher of Family Magazine, will create an article highlighting LCCCTA in an upcoming edition. A group photo of the LCCCTA Board members will be taken just prior to the October 9th meeting, and this photo can be provided to Mr. Walker, along with past tennis events and upcoming LCCCTA events.

President D. Robinson said she has written correspondence to be sent to the Youth Tennis Foundation (YTF) expressing gratitude on behalf of LCCCTA for the $2,000 donation they provided for 2023-2024 LCCCTA youth tennis camps.

President D. Robinson reported on behalf of VP M. Null: A grant proposal is in process to provide a Bleacher Shade over the center tennis bleachers.

Secretary L. Williams provided information for LCCCTA’s 4-week Fall Youth Tennis Camp. The camp will have one lead instructor and 5 volunteers assisting. Online registration is set up and the last day of registration is October 3rd, the first day of the camp. Two age groups (6-9 year olds and 10 and up) will be coached by ability levels. The camp will be held Tuesdays from 5-6 PM, with the final clinic being held on October 24th. Special refreshments will be served on that day when the tennis challenges conclude.

L. Williams reviewed recent LCCCTA website and Facebook page additions, to include Business Sponsors and LCCCTA Awards/Recognition.

L. Williams reported both she and D. Robinson received a request for LCCCTA financial assistance with a Fall Tennis Jamboree.

D. Robinson reminded the group the LCCCTA bank account has operating funds, as well as restricted funds—strictly dedicated to YTF sponsored youth tennis camps.

Ms. Robinson suggested the special tennis event be scheduled prior to Thanksgiving and donations come from social and league players (in the form of bringing side dishes and providing funding for food).

In addition, D. Robinson said this event can be an opportunity to honor and express gratitude to anyone who cleaned up the tennis courts and surrounding court area after the last hurricane.

L. Williams, YTF Board Secretary, attended YTF’s Annual Meeting in Vero Beach on August 6, 2023.

She reported LCCCTA was generously provided $2,000 in funding for the youth tennis camps to be held in fall 2023, spring 2024, and summer 2024. In addition, local tennis player, Linsdey Kasak, was awarded $250 for private tennis lessons through the YTF Kelley Family Award.

L. Williams will ask if Mr. Kasak of State Farm Insurance would be interested in purchasing an LCCCTA business sponsor banner. LCCCTA is extremely grateful for the ongoing support YTF provides for our community tennis association.

Treasurer J. Hinkle provided a current financial statement showing a bank balance of $896.04.

D. Robinson asked J. Hinkle if he will create a separate YTF spreadsheet listing the deposits and expenses, with checks being written out of the restricted account.

J. Hinkle said he could do that; he has already created a designated spreadsheet for LCCCTA’s Mixed Doubles League.

L. Williams reported on behalf of Board Member, Debbi Carter:

Adult Tennis Social League

  • Spoke with USTA‘s Ty Wolter regarding the fact that we only have enough players to begin league with two teams. We agreed that it makes sense to manage the league ourselves at least for the first quarter until we have some growth. Once we have 3+ teams, we can then readdress.

  • Since we won’t be registering on USTA site, registration will be via LCCCTA site. 

  • Cost per player will be $15 which includes cost of match balls and an after-season party. Recommend, if possible, that checks be made payable to LCCCTA and a sub-account set up. I would like to purchase balls for the entire season at one time. Cost will be approximately $108 (12 nights x 3 courts at $3 per can).

  • Mark said 3-4 LCCCTA score cards are available that attach to the trash receptacles.

  • Captains/co-captains have been chosen (Stephen Ashton/Heather Stover and Medina Wood/Tara Bell) and teams are being formed.

  • Matches will begin on Thursday, October 5th playing every Thursday (except Thanksgiving) though December 21st.

Next Meeting: Monday, October 9, 2023 at the Youngs Park tennis pro shop

President D. Robinson adjourned meeting at 7:08 PM.


Board Meeting — 10/9/23


Board Meeting — 6/12/23