Board Meeting — 6/12/23

Call to Order: President Dolly Robinson called the Board Meeting to order at 5:42 PM.

Members in attendance included the following: Dolly Robinson, Mike Null, Joe Hinkle, Laura Null, Debbi Carter, and Linda Williams.

Approval of Minutes: L. Null made a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 8, 2023 Board Meeting; seconded by D. Robinson, and the motion carried unanimously.

Special Guest: George English of USTA-Florida provided LCCCTA with a USTA banner to display at Young’s Park tennis courts, beside other LCCCTA banner sponsors.

Mr. English said he attended the Special Olympics State Games held in May in Orlando, and he worked closely with the Red Ball Division of the State Games.

G. English reported he will be attending a Celebration of Life Service on June 25th for Ms. Linda Curtis who worked for many years as USTA Florida’s Foundation Executive Director and Tennis Advocate. Several years ago, Ms. Curtis assisted LCCCTA as the Team Challenges were developed for summer youth tennis camps.

Mr. English stated the successful local Veteran’s Tennis Program will resume in September on Monday mornings, under the leadership of LCCCTA Board Member and Tennis Professional, Mark Mansbach.

G. English announced there is a new USTA FL Tennis Director in Gainesville— Mr. George Henry replaced Mr. Christopher Champion.

LCCCTA Board Member and Adult League Coordinator, Debbi Carter, was encouraged to continue her contact with Ty Wolter for answers to questions regarding the implementation of a LCCCTA Local Adult Tennis League.

President Robinson asked if Mr. English could possibly set up a video conference call to include both the Gainesville and Ocala USTA Tennis Directors (as travel to meetings are difficult). G. English said he will try to set that up.

Also, Mr. English will ask USTA National if LCCCTA can be added to their monthly virtual calls—USTA CTA/Parks Webinar Series—and he will send the information to LCCCTA Board Members.

President D. Robinson: Composed a LCCCTA letter to City of Lake City Officials; to include the Lake City Council, Mayor, City Manager, City Attorney, and Police Chief. The letter expressed gratitude for the security cameras that were placed in Young’s Park to deter crime and increase safety for the community.

M. Null suggested it be sent to the Lake City Reporter for publication.

President Robinson sent correspondence to Mr. Richard Johnson, CPA and expressed gratitude on behalf of LCCCTA for Mr. Johnson’s time in preparing tax forms for LCCCTA.

Ms. Robinson also sent a letter to the Powers-Walsh Family for their generous donation made to LCCCTA, as well as their special donation to sponsor a named tennis court.

D. Robinson submitted two group photos of summer youth camp participants, which have already been published in the local newspaper.

Laura Null reported on behalf of VP M. Null: Suwannee Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) provided the funding to cover the cost of installing four bench shades. L. Null reported they have arrived and are now in the tennis shed.

Each shade is 4’ X 10’ and will need to be attached to the fence just above each bench.

Also, L. Null reported the Board of Columbia County Commissioners may have discretionary funding that could be used to provide a Bleacher Shade over the center tennis bleachers.

LCCCTA will need to wait and see if the funding is available.

Secretary L. Williams provided an update of LCCCTA’s three-week Summer Youth Tennis Camp. The camp has two lead instructors and 5 volunteers assisting the two groups (6-9 yr. olds and 10 & up). There are 18 active participants, and the camp is in its final week.

L. Williams also reviewed plans for the upcoming Tennis Challenges to conclude the Summer Youth Tennis Program on June 15 th . Players will wear their YTF/LCCCTA logo hats for the Tennis Challenge Play.

L. Williams will create a LCCCTA checklist for each individual who will demonstrate their skills in forehand and backhand ground strokes, forehand and backhand volleys, and serving to deuce and ad courts.

The form will be signed by a tennis coach and provided to each player to keep as their progress report.

Special refreshments will be served at the end of the tennis challenges.

L. Williams reminded the group of LCCCTA’s Monthly Tennis Socials; the next event is scheduled at Young’s Park on Thursday, June 15th at 6 PM.

Treasurer J. Hinkle provided a current financial statement showing a bank balance of $1,128.04.

Board Member, Debbi Carter: reported the Tennis Questionnaire Results from the individual forms that were completed by players expressing an interest to play in a local Adult Tennis League.

She also provided Board members copies of the questionnaire results.

The forms contained the following completed information: Name, Level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced), USTA Ranking, Singles or Doubles, Preference (Women, Men, Mixed), Preferred Days, Time of Day, Previous League Experience, Team Captain Experience, and Team Captain Interest.

Ms. Carter said it appears for most people the best days to play will be Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

D. Carter believes the weekly Tuesday Socials already are providing a great group of players for LCCCTA’s local Adult Tennis League. (Anita Houston is the contact for the Tuesday Social Events).

L. Williams will also provide D. Carter with a contact list of LCCCTA’s online Tennis Connections players, who have already expressed their interest in playing in adult leagues.

G. English suggested Flexible, Tri-Level, Mixed play for the local ‘Social League’.

He believes that will be a good fit for LCCCTA.

Mr. English reminded D. Carter that USTA FL Tennis Link will do the scoring and

Mr. Ty Wolter can assist with providing the team captain duties and responsibilities.

D. Robinson recommended the first LCCCTA Adult Tennis League be considered an ‘inaugural season’; possibly playing each team once during the 3-week (short) season.

Next Meeting: Monday, August 14, 2023

President D. Robinson adjourned the meeting at 7:10 PM.


Board Meeting — 9/11/23


Board Meeting — 5/8/23