Dolly Robinson’s Letter to the Editor

Check out LCCCTA's President, Dolly Robinson's Letter to the Editor of the Lake City Reporter.

No season or age limit for tennis.

To the Editor:Thank you for the recognition of USTA FLORIDA’s naming me "Florida Volunteer of the Month" in the September 5 and 6, 2018 editions of the Lake City Reporter. It is a privilege to represent the dedicated volunteers of the Lake City Columbia Community Tennis Association, LCCCTA.The purpose of our not-for-profit corporation is to promote the development of Tennis as a means of healthful recreation and physical fitness for all Columbia County residents and to foster a sense of community between adults and children by reaching healthy, happy life styles as individuals and families, and to cooperate with United States Tennis Association and other associations, such as the Youth Tennis Foundation of Florida, in pursuit of these aims.We believe that healthful, Public recreational opportunities, such as Tennis, are an integral part of the quality of life in a hard-working community such as ours. Tennis has no season or age limit. It can be enjoyed year round by children and adults, families and individuals.In the past, there were more tennis courts available to the public in Columbia County with opportunity for successful tournaments, lessons and recreational play. In recent years, courts have been neglected and even turned into a parking lot.Recently, with grants from the USTA and YTF, cooperation with the recreation departments of Lake City, Columbia County, Richardson Community Center and Tennis Forever, we have been able to offer instruction and activities for the youth and adults of our community. Interest is high, but limited space limits the number of participants and the opportunity to actually play on a full court.My competitive tennis days have passed but I sure would like to see the youth and adults of our community have a place to enjoy the sport as I have!Thanks again,Dolly Robinson


Board Meeting – September 10, 2018


The Best Sport for a Longer Life? Try Tennis